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Towards Digitalization Of Governments And The Effects Upon Corruption: A Cross-National Longitudinal Analysis

In the last decades, digital transformation has provided benefits to a wider extent of fields. This thesis addresses whether the effect of this increasing digitalization across governments and public sector, strengthen by e-government services, could lower more effectively the corruption levels in a cross-national point of view. For this purpose, panel data regression analysis was conducted through a fixed effect model on longitudinal data of 162 different countries from 2012 to 2019. This research aims to provide information and evidences to help the policy makers fight against this social disease, with regard to one of the goal of the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals, which challenges the strength of the public institutions. Findings reflected the positive impact of e-government in reducing corruption, in addition to the fundamental preconditions of a clean government. This should foster more advanced technological services across countries and the rethinking of organizational processes.

Alessio Crisafulli Carpani
MSc Student in Statistical Sciences

We need the power of data and machine learning to tackle today’s needs efficiently
